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Better Policy Starts With Engagement

A Mom's Guide to Political Change in Iowa

Whoever said "just moms" never met moms like us.

We're ready to make a real impact. We believe that by engaging with both state and federal legislators through phone calls, letters, and grassroots awareness  we can effect change. We are passionate about curbing gun violence and championing women's reproductive rights. Whether you're in Des Moines or Davenport, join us to make a difference right here in Iowa.

Transform those kitchen table discussions into action. We'll provide scripts and resources to make engaging with your legislators easier than scheduling your next Pap smear. homepage image with a white woman on the phone at a computer surrounded by two small daughters

Contact Your Representatives

Locate Your Officials

Chuck Grassley (R) and Joni Ernst (R) are your senators; your congressional representative varies based on address.

Save Their Numbers

Save both the Washington DC contact phone number and the local office number for each of your three federal representatives. 

Dial Away

Use one of our preset scripts to express your concern, or speak from your experience. What really matters is picking up the phone.

Contact us

If you're ready to get off the sidelines to protect reproductive choice, pass meaningful gun safety reform or guard the freedom to read, get in touch.