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Take Action: Advocating for Federal Background Checks on Gun Sales

Written by Moms for Iowa | Oct 28, 2023 9:29:44 PM

You can make a difference by advocating for gun safety in Iowa. This guide provides actionable steps and support to pass federal gun safety legislation. Engaging with Iowa's federal legislators is an important step in advocating for gun safety. By contacting your federal representatives and senators, you can voice your support for gun safety legislation and urge them to take action. Calling is most effective; use the scripts below to make it easy to articulate the importance of implementing common-sense policies to prevent gun violence and protect the safety of Iowans.

Script for the Bipartisan Background Checks Act

Hello. My name is {Mary Poppins} and I live in {Sioux City.}.  I am a constituent and I am calling to urge you to co-sponsor and push for passage of the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. The bill number is S.494/H.R.715. Thank you. If you are talking to Senator Grassley or Senator Ernst's office, say bill number S.494. If you are talking to your Congressperson's office, use H.R.715.

It's that easy! If you reach a voicemail box, you can read the script. If you get to speak to someone, it's likely an intern or low-level staffer who is there to listen to your concerns and opinions. Remember, they play an important role in relaying your message to the legislator. It's essential to be respectful and calm during the conversation, even if you feel passionate about the issue. By maintaining a composed demeanor, you will leave a lasting impression and increase the likelihood of your message being taken seriously.

When speaking to staffers, keep in mind that they are often inundated with calls and emails on various topics. Therefore, it's important to be concise and to the point. Express your support for the Bipartisan Background Checks act and by articulating your stance effectively, you can help sway the opinions of those who have the power to create change.

Each call will take less than a minute, making it a quick and efficient way to make your voice heard. Even if you reach a voicemail, leaving a message is still impactful. Your effort to engage with Iowa legislators is a vital step in the advocacy process. By taking the time to voice your support for gun safety, you can play a significant role in shaping the gun safety landscape in Iowa. Your actions matter, and they can make a difference in creating a safer environment for everyone.